You can count with us
Student's Support

We make the management of scholarships and paperwork easier to students.

About this

The Chief of Student's Support helps students with paperwork related to scholarships, exchange programs, faculty medical insurance, internships and other administrative paperwork.

Scholarships: We give diffusion to internal and external scholarships. These scholarships have the objective of helping as many students as possible start, continue and finish their degree.

Exchange Programs: We promote exchange programs, with the objective of strengthening the academic formation and cultural enrichment of our students through a stay on national and international universities.

Faculty Medical Insurance: We give orientation about the Faculty Medical Insurance signup process, with the objective of providing with free medical attention to our students that don’t have insurance.

Internships: Orientation on how to do the paperwork to start your internship. This program was developed as an educational strategy that contributes to the formative process of our students, this is accomplished through their participation in the production sectors in projects that use their knowledge and abilities.

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Office Building, 1st floor.

I. S. Rafael Duarte Pérez
Tel. 192 1200 ext. 5911
Monday to Friday at 9:00 to 15:00

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